Chairman’s Welcome

A Career in Integrative Naturopathic Medicine

If you are the type of people who views the healing of others as a calling, you will be qualified to enter the Integrative Naturopathic Medicine’s profession.  In Integrative Naturopathic Medicine we call this Vis Medicatrix Naturae(nature is the healer of all diseases). Our Integrative Naturopathic medical training includes the study of ancient and modern healing principles and technologies by using natural modalities such as homeopathy, counseling, acupuncture theories , herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, physical manipulation, stress and pain management, therapeutic exercise, anti-aging & aesthetic medicine, craniofacial Osteopathy, vibration medicine, among others.


Integrative Naturopathic Medicine was established in Europe and Asia more than 2000 years old.  In Europe, Integrative Naturopathic Medicine is called as Naturopathic Medicine.  In Asia, Integrative Naturopathic Medicine is called as Chinese Medicine or/and traditional Medicine.  


There are six principles that guide the therapeutic methods and modalities of Integrative Naturopathic Medicine.  They are includes:


  • The Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrix naturae)

The human body have the inherent ability to restore health. The Physician’s role is helping the patients to facilitate this process with the aid of natural, nontoxic treatments.


  • Do No Harm(primum non nocere)

Integrative Naturopathic medicine are safe and effective.


  • Discover and Treat the Cause, Not Just the Effect(tolle causam)

The treatment based on the individual patient, not only based on the generality of symptioms.


  • Treat the Whole Person(tolle totum)

Physicians provide flexible treatment programs to meet individual health care needs by considering the multiple factors in health and disease.


  • Prevention is the best “cure”

Prevent of disease is the best accomplished through education and the lifestyle that supports health and our Integrative Naturopathic physicians are preventive medicine specialists. They assess patient risk factors and heredity susceptibility to prevent illness.


  • Integrative Naturopathic Doctor is a teacher (Docere)

The major role of Integrative Naturopathic Doctor is to empower and educate the patients to consider their own health. Then, the job of Integrative Naturopathic Doctor is to create a healthy cooperative and therapeutic relationship with the patient.


Our Society provides our students with the best possible program of study to prepare them to succeed as Integrative Naturopathic physicians.  I hope that you will join us and I look forward to meeting you into future.


Prof. Wai-yin Mak
